RecolourKing Home Improvement Services
- Ireland
- 083 854 9148
Recolourking offers Grout Restoration Services and has Approved Technicians all over Ireland
⭐⭐Attention households and commercial premises/business owners:
Did your grout used to sparkle??
Do you have a high footfall area in your premises?
Do you have a hand drier in your toilets and stained tiles/grout underneath?
Do you have a shower area for your staff to use?
Does your grout lines COLLECT DIRT?
Are they just getting blacker and blacker with DIRT by the day?
Does your grout prove a difficult clean for your cleaning personnel?
GroutGleam has the solution and you need to contact us to call the professionals in…..
We can: Restore Grout Recolour Grout (9 colours to choose from)
We currently work with the following commercial premises and households to solve all the problems above throughout Ireland and the UK:
hair salons #hairsalons
barbers #barbers car showrooms #showrooms
hotels #hotels
B&Bs #bandbs
hostels #hostels
shops #shops
filling stations #filling stations community centres #community #centres
shipping companies #ships #boats shipping
campervans #campervans schools #schools
Get in touch today to hear how we can ensure your grout lines are stain, bacteria and oil resistant. We will ensure they are wipe clean once we leave!